Episode 132: 5 Reasons You Eat, Even When You’re Full (And How to Stop)
Aug 16, 2024
Did you ever eat something even though you were already full? Dessert might be coming to mind, but even food in general. I want you to think back to the last time this happened. Where were you? What food was it? What you may not know is there are 6 specific reasons why you eat when you’re not hungry, or even when you are full. Three of these 6 reasons are extremely common for women in midlife, and you may not even be aware of them.
In this episode of Your Midlife Comeback Story, we’re going to answer the question… why do I keep eating even after I’m full?
If you’re interested in learning more about the top 6 reasons that food keeps coming, this episode is for you. At the end, you’ll also get one very specific strategy to help you stop.
Together, we will unpack:
- Why do I keep eating, even after I'm full?
- What are the top 6 reasons we eat, when we may not even be hungry?
- What is metabolic health and how can you optimize it?
- What are the health benefits of prioritizing healthy nutrition and how can it add to your overall longevity?
Mentioned Resources:
Episode 127: Weed Killer in Your Breakfast Bowl? - The Hidden Sources and Dangers of Glyphosate (Roundup) - https://pinkfortitude.mykajabi.com/blog/episode-127
Food Cue Reactivity: Neurobiological and Behavioral Underpinnings - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11154-022-09724-x
Social Influences on Eating - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235215461500131X
Emotional Eating in Relation to Psychological Stress During Covid-19 Pandemic - https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-023-15177-x
Why We Eat Our Feelings: The Science Behind Emotional Eating - https://www.numan.com/weight-loss/diet/science-behind-emotional-eating
Connect with Holly:
▶️ FREE TRAINING - WTH HAPPENED TO MY MIDLIFE HEALTH? - https://academy.pinkfortitude.com/register-for-master-midlife-health
▶️ Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone
▶️ More resources for Your Comeback Story - yourcomeback.coach
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Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week!
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