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Episode 101: Finding Peace During Your Chapter of Endings and Beginnings - Bonus Reflections on Amy Stark’s Interview

Feb 07, 2024


If you have ever found yourself in one of those chapters in your life of endings and beginnings, or maybe you are on an anniversary of one of those chapters and you seem to be reflecting on those lessons, then keep listening, because this episode is for you.

In last week’s episode, which was the big celebration 100th episode of the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast, Amy Stark talked about the 7 steps to ultimate transformation. Here in this bonus episode, I want to expand on some key insights from that conversation that could be the catalyst for turning your life around. I will give you fair warning, there is quite a bit of my own personal reflection going on with some big events in my life… and I encourage you to use this as a time for your own reflection. Because we are going to do more exploration into radical responsibility, the reticular activating system, and embracing change, whether it’s change by your choice or not. So let’s jump into more reflections and this transformation together. 

Today I am going to answer the question, how can you be more settled and find peace during those chapters in your life that are full of endings and beginnings?

The answer is powerful, it involves… finding the most unusual tool in your toolkit…  And I think it’s going to surprise you.

Together, we will unpack:

  • How can you find peace during chapters of endings and beginnings in your life?
  • What is the significance of taking radical responsibility for your health and life during difficult times?
  • Why is it important to fully embrace and experience raw emotions rather than immediately seeking to numb them?
  • How can a shift in mindset and approach lead to unstoppable transformation in health and life?
  • What does creating your own comeback story in health, life, career, and relationships mean?

Mentioned Resources:

Episode 100 - 7 Steps to Your Ultimate Transformation with Amy Stark. The 100th Celebration Episode

Episode 74 - When Gratitude is Put to the Test - My Divorce Story

Connect with Holly:

Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram

On the web - Fortitude.Academy

If today's episode resonated with you, be sure to hit the follow button where you are listening and also tap those 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a great review because it would mean so much to me to hang out with you every week and because it will also help to get this podcast and our wonderful message out to more listeners!

Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week!

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