There isn't a date set for the next viewing. Don't wait!
Give yourself the space to take it in slowly.
Get LIFETIME ACCESS + some incredible bonuses worth $400!
That's where the VIP ALL-ACCESS PASS comes in.
✔ You're committed to making your health a priority beyond a 5-day summit.
✔ You want the time to REALLY PROCESS this information and make subtle changes throughout your journey.
✔ You want a foundation that you can keep coming back to during the ups and downs of Autoimmune Disease.
✔ You want to completely overhaul your relationship with Autoimmune Disease and live in empowerment instead of frustration.
✔ You want to be able to connect the dots in a DEEPER UNDERSTANDING as you learn and grow.
✔ Watch this short video for 5 more things to consider...
24 experts... all committed to helping you:
✔ Understand what being diagnosed and living with an Autoimmune Disease REALLY means.
✔ Partner with your doctor as the GOLD STANDARD IN YOUR CARE.
✔ Change your mindset and your relationship with Autoimmune Disease.
✔ Implement root cause healing.
They trusted their doctors with blind faith. They didn't take matters into their own hands. They didn't take root cause healing into account. And because of that, they suffered for years.
They were able to reclaim their health.
And they are here today, sharing their wisdom and expertise with you.
Because they don't want you to suffer for years without hope.
You have the opportunity to take ownership of your health and change your relationship with Autoimmune Disease TODAY.
Don't turn your health and your life over to "the system" and hope for a great outcome.
It's time to LEARN and MASTER the foundation of Autoimmune Disease and start dialing into your game plan of action!
I know you are probably thinking...
Holly... this is SOOOOO overwhelming!
Well... YOU'RE RIGHT! It is overwhelming!
The doctors... the medical bills... the information to process... all on top of fatigue and pain and CogFog. No wonder it's so exhausting.
You want to make your healing journey easier and less stressful, right?
The reality is... you put in the time and effort to understand the foundation and create your game plan now... and you will be IN CONTROL of your health and MAKING SMART DECISIONS in partnership with your doctors.
What if you had a 24/7 health coach to be there for you every step of the way?
Minimizing the overwhelm!
Focusing on the protocol that is right for you!
Streamlining your medical expenses!
Imagine just for a moment...
... that you had a step-by-step process to become in control of your Autoimmune Disease.
Well, you don't have to imagine anymore. Because... it's here.
Includes all videos, audios, $400 in bonuses, and a 30-day guarantee!
"I love the work you are doing and thank you for your commitment, your work, your reaching out to us and to everyone you work with. You are truly a gift as a person to everyone you touch."
"Thank you for all of the wonderful information and for inspiring me on my survival journey. I have learned so much from this class. I am inspired to clean up my life in so many ways, for my health and the health of my family. Thank you!"
"Thank you. I was so happy I cried. I've been dealing with these health issues for 5 years. I feel like, for the first time, someone actually understands and gets it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. For the first time, I don't feel alone. Thank you for helping others - it really makes a difference!"
"I want to thank you for this important series. Many blessings to you and pray this is helpful and can give vital info to people needing to hear it!"
Autoimmune Disease 101
Your Immune System, Inflammation, and Autoimmunity
Is Fibromyalgia Real?
Lyme Disease and Other Infections
Managing Autoimmune Fatigue
Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate
Understanding Medical Bills and Insurance
The Best Kept Secret in Healthcare
Discover Your Body's Healing Language
The Struggle, the Juggle, and the Unexpected Gift
Why Finding and Living Your Purpose is So Critical to Health
Healing from the Stress
You are Not Your Diagnosis
Be a Thriver
7 Basic Essentials of Good Health
Weight Gain, Hormone Imbalance, and Other Autoimmune Problems
Fertility and Autoimmune Disease
What Happens to the Immune System at Menopause
Ditch the Bad Habits and Optimize Your Health
Are Parasites to Blame?
Healing Your Gut and the Connection with the Liver and Immune System
Autoimmune Nutrition for Busy Families
The Importance of Sleep with Autoimmune Disease
Let me be perfectly honest. The DIAGNOSED Summit does NOT offer a guarantee of healing or offer a cure to your illness.
This Summit DOES offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied with the information and knowledge provided.
We've curated the best health experts in their fields to share their expertise with you. If you don't feel like this information has provided value to you, contact [email protected] within 30 days for your money-back guarantee.
Fertility and Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune Nutrition for Busy Families
What Happens to the Immune System at Menopause
Healing Your Gut and the Connection with the Liver and Immune System
Weight Gain, Hormone Imbalance, and Other Autoimmune Problems
Autoimmune Disease 101
Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate
7 Basic Essentials of Good Health
Lyme Disease and Other Infections
Understanding Medical Bills and Insurance
You are Not Your Diagnosis
Is Fibromyalgia Real?
The Best Kept Secret in Healthcare
Discover Your Body's Healing Language
Be a Thriver
Your Immune System, Inflammation, and Autoimmunity
The Importance of Sleep with Autoimmune Disease
Healing from the Stress
Ditch the Bad Habits and Optimize Your Health
Why Finding and Living Your Purpose is So Critical to Your Health
Are Parasites to Blame?
The Struggle, the Juggle, and the Unexpected Gift
Managing Autoimmune Fatigue
Valued at $247
Unlimited access to 29 training sessions with world-class medical, naturopathic, and health experts on fatigue, infections, toxins, inflammation, nutrition, viruses, and more!
Valued at $47
Valued at $9.99
The #1 Amazon bestseller, Thriving in the Workplace with Autoimmune Disease is the first book ever to educate individuals specifically with autoimmune disease on their legal and disability rights in the workplace. The book was born out of author Holly Bertone’s personal and painful experience and lack of resources available specifically for individuals with autoimmune diseases. She walks you through the basics of navigating FMLA, EEO, reasonable accommodations, working with your boss, and then provides much-needed resources to help you find that critical balance between taking care of your health and managing your symptoms at work.
Valued at $2.99
Valued at $9.99
Flip The Script is for amazing, sensitive people like you who want answers about how to overcome your diagnosis. In it, you’ll find simple solutions to create a strong foundation to reclaim your wellness.
Valued at $49.00
When you purchase the DIAGNOSED SUMMIT VIP All-Access Pass, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to begin your game plan to conquer Autoimmune Disease! Including...
This makes everything you get well over $1000 in value!
Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP
Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP is the #1 bestselling author of the book Thriving in the Workplace with Autoimmune Disease: Know Your Rights, Resolve Conflict, and Reduce Stress, the first book ever to educate others on autoimmune disease as a legal disability in the U.S. workplace. She is a highly sought-after speaker and wellness expert, the leading authority on Autoimmune Disease in the workplace, and a gratitude evangelist.
Holly spent the first 10 years of her career in Human Resources, primarily as a recruiter. After working for the prestigious consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, she was invited into federal government service as the Chief of Staff for one of our nation’s top national security offices. From there, she spent 15 years in Project Management.
Holly Bertone is currently the President and CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC, and founder of Fortitude.Academy and the health and wellness website As a breast cancer and Hashimoto's survivor, her passion is to help women view their chronic illness as a gift and unwrap resilience using a proven method to build fortitude with gratitude.
Holly is a Project Management Professional (PMP), holds a Masters Degree from Johns Hopkins University, and is a Certified Natural Health Professional.
In her free time, she loves to garden, and hit flea markets and yard sales. Holly is married to a retired Green Beret, is a Stepmother, Pug Mamma, and lives in Alexandria, VA.
The information provided on this summit has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or disease. This summit is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The viewer should regularly consult a qualified, licensed doctor in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Neither Pink Fortitude, LLC nor any of the speakers on this summit are responsible for any specific health needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person listening to or following the information on this summit. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any websites or other sources.
Autoimmune Diseases can be complicated at every stage - pre-diagnosis, during diagnosis, and for years later. If you are struggling, regardless of how long, this summit is for you!
If you are a friend/family/caregiver, you will learn a lot about Autoimmune Disease to support your person.
We've got some amazing doctors and subject matter experts scheduled to share 101-style information with you, from the basics of Autoimmune Disease, to the basics of root cause healing. We also have plenty of lifestyle experts who will share the practical side of thriving with an Autoimmune Disease!
Each interview is approximately 30-45 minutes long, packed full of expert information.
Everything is 100% online! You can watch in the comfort of your home!
Right now the best way is to view the summit on your computer or laptop. The Kajabi platform that I'm using to host the summit has a Beta launch on a mobile platform but it's not quite ready for primetime yet.
Closer to the event date, you will receive a link to register and create a free account. On each day of the summit, you will be sent a reminder email with your login information. All you need to do is remember your password!
If you forgot your password, simply click on "Forgot Password" link on the login page.
No. Your privacy is protected.
By joining the DIAGNOSED Summit, the only email list you are on is mine, Pink Fortitude.
Many of our speakers have free gifts for the attendees, and these typically require an email address to receive.
You can unsubscribe to any of these at any time.
No. Our speakers' interviews are focused on Autoimmune Disease 101 and corresponding topics. They may mention the current situation, but only for a frame of reference, not to give any kind of medical advice.
We welcome anyone to watch! Approximately 75% of the individuals who have an Autoimmune Disease are women, and this Summit is hosted by Pink Fortitude. So yes, there is a little bit of pink going on here.
50% Complete
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