In 30 days, break free from the patterns that are sabotaging your success and FINALLY reach your HEALTHIEST WEIGHT, achieve VIBRANT ENERGY and METABOLIC HEALTH with the



If the BACK TO YOU METHOD™ is the right fit, you will:


✅ Achieve PERMANENT results... aka ditch the yo-yo diet for good!

✅ Make this an EFFORTLESS part of your lifestyle... no more crazy diets!

✅ Optimize your metabolic health for LONGEVITY... we're not getting any younger!


You see, most women think that achieving a healthy weight only happens when...

❌ They restrict calories, eat diet foods, and focus on the scale. 

❌ They have better discipline and more willpower

❌ They miraculously get 10 more hours in the day to dedicate to themselves.


If you ever want to achieve PERMANENT results and finally live in your dream body, you need to FIRST break free from what is sabotaging your success... the stories, beliefs, patterns, and habits holding you back and keeping you plateaued. 


"I experienced a bigger breakthrough in just one of Holly's coaching calls, compared to years in therapy!"

Are you stuck in Midlife Metabolism Minefield?

Do you feel guilty every night because after you worked hard all day, you reward yourself with processed food and treats that you know aren't healthy for you...

...and no matter how much you tell yourself I'm going to do better tomorrow, something always derails your best intentions?


❓Do you eat healthy, meticulously count every single calorie, or you've enrolled in programs like Weight Watchers, yet the scale refuses to move, unless it's creeping up...

... so you've banished the scale to the closet because you're convinced your body will never respond like it used to?


❓Are you consistently jumping from diet to diet, trying new protocols, from Mediterranean to Keto to Paleo to Whole30, and you may have even considered going on a GLP-1... 

...but no matter how flawless you are with following these diets, the results don't last? And you're trying to figure out why nothing works anymore. 


❓Are you faithful to the treadmill, elliptical, or spin class at the gym, but wonder why they aren't faithful to slimming down your belly fat...

 .. and when you peek into the weight room, you get nervous because the equipment looks intimidating? Besides, you don't want to add any more bulk to your already expanding body.

Not to mention...

❌ The haunting concern of FAILING YET ANOTHER weight loss attempt.

❌Despite your best efforts, something always gets in the way of your progress, which results in standing frozen in front of the pantry, mindlessly snacking. Again.

FEELING PARALYZED because there's so much conflicting information out there about diet and exercise, you don't even know where to start.


You try to be good!


At the end of the day, you know you need to prioritize your health, but between your family and career and other commitments, chances are, you would rather feel guilty about eating the entire plate of cookies rather than feeling guilty about disappointing the people who rely on you the most.


I know you are doing your best, and I'm here to help you conquer this... FOR GOOD!


Here's the thing...... most women think that losing weight... is about weight loss. I mean, isn't it?

But how many times have you heard the experts say... all you need to do is restrict calories and exercise more?

And how many times have you done this with minimal results? 


Our innovative Back To You Method™ helps you finally achieve your healthy weight loss goals... NOT with calorie restriction... but with better stress resilience, emotional stability, and the ability to handle whatever life throws your way without reaching for comfort/reward food.


You will experience the BACK TO YOU METHOD™

in a proven 3-phase process:

Release & Reclaim the Past

Optimize Metabolic Health

Create Unlimited Potential

The Back To You Method™ isn't about ❌ protocols, ❌ plans, or ❌ numbers on a scale...


The Back To You Method™ is...

✔️ Freedom from hating your body... to finally being proud of your dream body - the one that is confident, healthy, and unstoppable.

✔️ Freedom from being easily triggered and eating your emotions... to feeling completely balanced so that stress and obstacles don't hijack your day. 

✔️ Freedom from reaching for food to comfort or reward yourself... to viewing food as nourishment and energy.

✔️ Freedom from eating food that makes you bloated and starving to ENJOYING healthy, nutritious food that keeps your energy balanced all day long.

✔️ Freedom from feeling like you have to put everyone else’s needs first as a lifelong people pleaser... to being seen and heard and speaking your voice with confidence.

✔️ Freedom from running yourself ragged, feeling obligated to say yes to everyone... to FINALLY saying yes to YOURSELF!


All of this is possible for you with The Back To You Method™


If you’ve spent the last 15-20 years of your life focusing on everyone else - your spouse, your kids, your boss, your community, even your aging parents…


It’s time for you to stop putting yourself last and to FINALLY give yourself the time, attention, and focus you deserve to step into the most energized, vibrant, and powerful version of yourself.


It’s time to come back home to YOU! Let’s do this together!

What Do You Want YOUR Transformation to Look Like?

"I experienced a weekend of unexpected family drama. Holly gave me the tools to hold my power, not spin out of control, not be guilted into doing something I didn't want to do... AND the best part... the entire weekend, I never reached for comfort food!"


"The fork was up to my mouth and I actually found myself fully aware of not wanting to eat the comfort food. I put the fork down. No guilt. I just knew that I didn't want to eat it."


"Holly's coaching calls are relaxing and open. It's the highlight of my week to focus on ME."


"Holly helped me get my energy and my life back. I'm back to exercising, taking daily walks and pursuing my dream career."


"I experienced a bigger breakthrough in just one of Holly's coaching calls, compared to years in therapy!"


* Results are not guaranteed. All testimonials respect client privacy.

You're Not Alone.

Whatever you are feeling. Whatever story you are telling yourself. I've been there at some point.

I've hated my body. I've hated myself.

I would eat my weight in ice cream or M&Ms or pizza... trying to quiet the anxiety from juggling a demanding career and family, trying to drown out the voices in my head that told me I wasn't good enough.

Food was my best friend.


What I learned is that the number on the scale doesn't dictate the quality of your health. ⬇️

On my 39th birthday, my world collapsed. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. One year later, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, an autoimmune disease. My health took a turn for the worse, and I had to resign from my dream job at the FBI.

Fast forward, when I turned 49 (birthday picture above), I felt like I had finally emerged from the hardest decade of my life. My health was on the upswing. But the problem was that I felt like an 80-year-old woman trapped in an almost 50-year-old's body.


I felt frumpy, flabby, and fried.


And even though I'm a health coach, nothing seemed to work anymore.

That's when I put the FBI hat back on, and I became obsessed with finding the clues of what is sabotaging our health in midlife.

I help women like you, find your own clues to prioritize and achieve vibrant health. Unlike other health coaches who only focus on a specific diet or protocol, I use a 3-phase holistic strategy to help you reprogram invisible patterns to permanently break the chains and CREATE THE DREAM BODY YOU ARE PROUD OF.


Your Coach: Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP

Holistic Health Coach & Consultant ~ Best Selling Author ~ Keynote Speaker ~ Podcast Host ~  Pug Mom

As a former FBI Chief of Staff for Counterintelligence turned Certified Holistic Health Coach, Holly Bertone helps women in midlife find the clues 🧐 to prioritize their health so their high-achievement lifestyle NO LONGER CLASHES with unwanted weight gain, lack of energy, and restless nights.

Holly spent 20 years in Project Management consulting and federal government service. After her own experience of breast cancer, healing herself from an autoimmune disease, and creating a no-conflict divorce, she learned there's more to life than burning the candle at both ends, and living according to everyone else's agenda.

As a Certified Holistic Health Coach, she helps women combine the principles of high-performance and mindset to ditch diet culture and create SUSTAINABLE RESULTS that are an effortless part of their lifestyle.

Holly Bertone is a Certified Project Management Professional, Certified Holistic Health Coach, #1 Amazon bestselling author, Keynote Speaker, and Host of Your Midlife Comeback Story Podcast.

Are you ready to FINALLY reach a SUSTAINABLE healthy weight, improve your energy and optimize your metabolic health...

without the crazy diets, restrictive protocols, or hours in the gym?